The pandemic, in terms of incidence, mortality and speed of expansion, is heterogeneous, even between regions of the same country, finding differences in its clinical presentation, severity and lethality; For this reason, the research aims to: know the risk factors associated with mortality in adult patients with COVID 19.
Material and methods
Retrospective cohort study included hospitalized patients, older than 18 years, diagnosed with Covid-19 through RT-PCR test. Data collected from the electronic file and analyzed to detect differences between survivors and non-survivors, using Student's t-test and Chi-square or Fisher's exact test. The relative risk was calculated with a 95% Confidence Interval (with statistical significance p <0.05.
247 patients were studied. With a lethality of 50.20%. Arterial hypertension was the most frequent comorbidity. The oxygen supply with an invasive device was associated with a high risk of death. Tracheostomy is a high factor (p <0.001). With a statistical difference in favor of the early one. The mask and the nasal tips showed a protective effect (p <0.05). The most frequent symptoms were dyspnea, fever and cough without statistical difference. SatO2 at admission did show significance between both groups.
There is a difference between the risk factors in both groups. A peripheral SatO2 of <90% at admission and the determination of PNC and D-DIME warrant close monitoring to avoid severe complications.
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