Editorial Team


Tetyana Anastassivna Khomazyuk: Internal Medicine Physician, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Internal Medicine Department of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine. Doctor of the highest category on specialty "Internal Medicine." She is an internationally recognized specialist and a member of the European Society of Cardiology, European Association of Preventive Cardiology, European Heart Failure Association, International Society of Hypertension, and Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine. Contact information: Khomazyuk@hotmail.com

She is well-published and cited: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2368-5116 and https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=q-KTz_cAAAAJ&hl=en&newwindow=1&oi=sra


Editorial Board members:

Stepanov, Y.M., Co-Editor, MD, Ph.D., DSc, Stepanovgastro@gmail.com, gastrodnepr@і.ua,  Professor, Director of the SI “Institute of Gastroenterology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,” a member of a large number of international organizations such as DDW, EASL, AASLD, OESO, ECCO, APASL, the International Commission for the awarding of prizes for the best scientific work in the gastroenterology and hepatology fields “Dr. Bares Award”;  the Chairman of the Association "Association for the Study and Treatment of Diseases of the Digestive System in Ukraine", the head of the Problem Commission "Gastroenterology" of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He is the author of about 500 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 8 manuals, 20 methodological recommendations, 20 patents, 26 informative letters, Scientific Supervisor of 9 Doctors of philosophy, and 1 Doctor of medical sciences. Over the past 15 years, Yuri Mironovich has been a leading researcher in more than 20 international clinical trials organized by international companies Quintiles, PPD, PSI, Parexel, and others in which the most advanced pharmacological treatments for ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, anemia, and others. 

Boris M. Ariel, arielboris@rambler.ru, Professor, Consulter, St. Petersburg Institute of Phthysiopulmonology, St. Petersburg, Russia 

Vitaly I. Mamchur MD, Ph.D., DSc, Vmamchur@dma.dp.ua, Professor,  Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Clinical Pharmacology, Vice-rector on scientific and medical work of our Academy, member of the Presidium of the State Pharmacological Center of Health Ministry of Ukraine, the Association of Pharmacologists of Ukraine, the Problem Committee «Pharmacology,» the Scientific and Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine (2001-2008), a member of the specialized scientific council of defense of candidate and doctoral theses, editorial for several scientific medical editions, Ukraine.

Larysa Mishchenko, MD, Ph.D. DSc, larmish@ukr.net, Head of the Department of Arterial Hypertension, Research Associate, SI "NSC M.D.Strаzhesko Institute of Cardiology" NAMS of Ukraine.

Karen Cutts, MD,  Karen.Cutts@ttuhsc.edu, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Amarillo, Texas, USA

Scott Milton, MD, scott.milton@dshs.texas.gov, 6302 Iola Avenue, mail code:1899, Lubbock, Texas, USA 

SM Kadri, MPH/ICHD, gimedph@gmail.com; kadrism@gmail.com, Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health (GJMEDPH), Consult, Kashmir, India

Kitigon Vichairuangthum, M.D., Ph.D., neozz15@hotmail.com, Interventional Cardiologist, Head of Cardiac Catheterization and Cardiology unit, Kluaynamthai hospital, Thailand

Carlo Uran MD, carlura@libero.it, Cardiology and Intensive Care Unit, “San Giuseppe e Melorio” Hospital, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy

Santhi Muttipoll Dharmarajlu, MD, santhi_pooja@yahoo.co.in, College of Nursing, Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Negin Dorri, Ph. D., Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Email Address: negin.dorri@ut.ac.ir