Ectopic Location of Thyroid Tissue in the Area of the Temporomandibular Joint. Clinical Case Report.

  • Yurii V. Hrabovskyi
  • Victor F. Zavizion
Keywords: Thyroid gland, Ectopia, Thyroid tissue


Background: The atypical location of organs and tissues in the human body is an important topic and a serious medical problem. Ectopic thyroid tissue is a rare and not fully explored condition. Asymptomatic forms of ectopic thyroid tissue usually do not require special treatment. However, symptomatic patients require special attention. For any localizations, such ectopy may be the only thyroid tissue in the body or exist simultaneously with the normal thyroid gland and have an increased tendency to cancerous transformation. The presence of two or more foci of ectopic thyroid tissue is an even rarer anomaly. 

Case Description: The article presents an overview of ectopically located thyroid goiter in the temporomandibular joint area and describes specific diagnostic and treatment approaches.  

Conclusion: Ectopy of thyroid tissue into the lower jaw and associated joints is rare. Medical problems associated with this usually pose significant difficulties in diagnosis. The possibility of ectopy of hormone-active tissue in atypical locations should always be considered to avoid a pathological problem.


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How to Cite
Hrabovskyi, Y. V., & Zavizion, V. F. (2023). Ectopic Location of Thyroid Tissue in the Area of the Temporomandibular Joint. Clinical Case Report. Journal of Internal Medicine: Science & Art, 4, 43 - 46.