C-sections impact on maternal and fetal health. Positive outcomes with Micro Point Stimulation of C-section scars
C-sections - maternal and fetal health; MPS treatment of C-section scars
This review clearly demonstrates the dramatic impact of a C-section on the morbidity for both mother (pyhsical and emotional) and child (especially related to adverse microbiom development in the growing infant). In addition millions of women who suffer symptoms both locally around the surgical site and more importantly distant effects related to sympathetic up-regulation, mainly through fascial/ fibrotic nerve stimulation. Our experience of the application of Micro Point Stimulation Scar Release therapy to C- section scars resulted in markedly improved pain in these patients who had long-standing symptoms The preliminary but impressive ultrasound findings showing the dramatic reduction in the fibrous/fascial mass after just one session of Micro Point Stimulation Scar therapy of 35 secs adds credence to the efficacy of this procedure in relieving pain symptoms from a simple inexpensive method of treatment. Micro Point Stimulation scar release therapy impacts on distant locations of pain; this challenges the traditionally held concepts of diseases and its pathophysiology. Abdominal and C-section scars may now be viewed as significant systemic contributors to pain and dysfunction throughout the entire body. The overuse of C-sections cannot be justified and it is imperative that the entire practice be reviewed to stem the rising use of this procedure. Where ever possible a delivery should happen in home friendly environment, which is conducive to good health for mother and child.
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