Letter of Editor

  • Editorial Office


We are pleased to announce a new addition to SciencePower Publishing House, LLC journal collection: Journal of Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs (JRDOD), a peer-reviewed open-access medical journal that publishes original research, reviews, case reports, and letters covering a broad field of its specialty.

Why do we need a new journal? Because the science moves fast all around the Planet and new technology opened new horizons for the prevention and treatment of rare and genetically based disorders.

Rare disease and disorders often need a multidisciplinary care team, deep knowledge of healthcare providers, and extensive patients’ and patient families’ support. It may take years until a disease is recognized and/or diagnosed. Spreading knowledge about rare disease conditions among biomedical scientists and physicians from the different subspecialty fields including genetics, pediatrics, cardiology, pulmonary, gastroenterology, rheumatology, neurology, dietary science, and other related disciplines is one of the goals of this journal, which we will be widely advertised within the medical community.

Patients with special conditions could be “Rare, but Not Alone” and we want to add our voice to those patient advocacies.

We also want to spread knowledge about orphan drugs. Well known fact that an orphan drug is a medication (pharmaceutical) that remains underdeveloped due to the lack of a company to find the drug profitable because the numbers of patients, who will benefit from the treatment, are small and so the potential market for new drugs to treat these rare diseases is also small. This situation fortunately somewhat changed in 1983, when the U.S. Congress passed the Orphan Drug Act. It facilitated and charged the orphan drugs' developmental landscape. Nowadays the FDA established the Office of Orphan Product Development (OOPD) to help with the development of orphan drugs (and other medical products for rare disorders), including FDA support for research grants.

The international medical community has recognized the need to increase research and development of orphan drugs. We hope that our journal will be a small contribution to the promotion of wellbeing of people with rare disease conditions.

Our publisher motto is "Superbi progressu aspiramus ad maximum" (the proud aspire to great promise).

Please, consider submitting your next manuscript to the Journal of Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs.

How to Cite
Office, E. (2020). Letter of Editor. Journal of Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs, 1. https://doi.org/10.36013/jrdod.v1i.19